Invite and sponsor students to attend an industry event.



  1. Provide tickets for students to attend an industry event

  2. Provide Structured Activities: Organize tours, interactive sessions, and Q&A panels to ensure students are actively engaged and can maximize their learning.

  3. Facilitate networking opportunities for invited students

  4. Offer Mentorship: Pair students with company representatives who can guide them through the event, answer questions, and provide insights into the industry.

  5. Encourage a sustained relationship beyond the event

Customized employer-information sessions benefit companies in multiple ways:

  • Companies can identify and cultivate potential future employees, ensuring a continuous flow of well-prepared talent into the industry.

  • Interacting with students can bring new ideas and innovative thinking to the company, as students often offer unique perspectives and creative solutions.

  • Sponsoring students enhances the company's reputation and demonstrates a commitment to education and community development, fostering goodwill and brand loyalty.

  • By supporting student learning and development, the industry contributes to building a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce, which benefits the entire sector.


Providing Structured Activities: Organize tours, interactive sessions, and Q&A panels to ensure students are actively engaged and can maximize their learning.

Offering Mentorship: Pair students with company representatives who can guide them through the event, answer questions, and provide insights into the industry.



  1. Conduct pre-event preparation: Educate students about the event, its significance, and what to expect. Provide background information on key topics and industry trends to enhance their understanding. Locates relevant students to take advantage of the opportunity

  2. Locate relevant students to take advantage of the opportunity

  3. Provide faculty or staff support to help students prepare for the event, situating the opportunity within their specific learning and career goals

  4. Support students post event by encouraging followup thank you and relationship-building communication to the employer

  5. Lead Post-Event Reflection: Facilitate discussions and activities after the event to help students reflect on their experiences, solidify their learning, and apply newfound knowledge to their studies and career planning.

For STUDENTS, these opportunities provide:

  • Students gain firsthand experience and insight into industry operations, trends, and challenges, bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical application.

  • Attending the event allows students to connect with industry professionals, potentially leading to mentorship, internships, and future employment opportunities.

  • Students can enhance their professional skills, such as communication, teamwork, and critical thinking, by engaging in event activities, workshops, and discussions.

  • Experiencing the dynamic environment of an industry event can ignite passion and motivation, encouraging students to pursue careers in the field and strive for excellence.


Pre-Event Preparation: Educate students about the event, its significance, and what to expect. Provide background information on key topics and industry trends to enhance their understanding.

Post-Event Reflection: Facilitate discussions and activities after the event to help students reflect on their experiences, solidify their learning, and apply newfound knowledge to their studies and career planning.