Philanthropic Convening
Changing our systems, breaking down siloes, and strengthening our collaboration to benefit K-16 students in the Bay Area takes all of us. Leaders of the Bay Area K-16 Collaborative were thrilled to meet with representatives from the Crankstart Foundation, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, Hellman Foundation, Koret Foundation, Northern California College Promise Coalition, San Francisco Foundation, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Stuart Foundation, and Stupski Foundation on February 6, 2024 at the Sobrato Center for Nonprofits in Redwood City, California. Bay Area K-16 Collaborative Leaders shared the progress, goals, and plans of the Collaborative, answered questions, and discussed the role that philanthropy can play in furthering the work with funders.
A special thank you to Hana Ma, Senior Program Officer at Sobrato Philanthropies, for organizing and hosting the convening!