Steering Committee Meets, Focused on Work-Based Learning and Employer Engagement

As part of the governance structure for the Bay Area K-16 Collaborative, the Collaborative hosts a regional Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is a coordinating body for Bay Area industry-education engagement that provides input, encouragement, and external communication to stakeholders with respect to: the implementation of work-based learning into pathway designs and evidence-based solutions that address equity gaps and employer needs. Key objectives for the committee include broadening work-based learning opportunities for students from communities underrepresented in STEM, and the diversification of the Bay Area STEM workforce.

Representatives from partner academic institutions and employers met on May 17, 2024 at Applied Materials for a meeting facilitated by Collaborative Director Agustin Cervantes and David Palter, Senior Director of Higher Education and Workforce Development for the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. The group discussed how administrators, faculty and student support staff can best collaborate with each other and with employers to make sure that work based learning interventions are most effective for students.


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Pathway Communities of Practice